Book a Session - New Clients Only

Please note the following before booking an appointment:

  1. If this is your first time booking an appointment with us, you will need to book the initial 60-to-90-minute consultation option first.
    • Please fill out the behavior history form in addition to booking and scheduling your first appointment. You will also need to sign the Liability Waiver prior to your first appointment. Appointments will not be considered confirmed until the behavior history form and liability waiver are completed. Please note, if your appointment is related to aggression and/or reactivity, please complete the final section of the Behavior History Form under “Aggression and Reactivity (if applicable).” Otherwise, you can skip this section.
  2. Please note for travel beyond a 20-mile radius, there is an additional $20 travel fee per session. This charge will be invoiced to you after the appointment.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].